Financial Practices

All public sector organisations have a duty to ensure public money is spent properly and efficiently. To support this, we have a number of financial processes and governances around our projects.

All delivery colleagues with budget responsibility must read and apply the ‘NHSBSA Guide for Budget Holders and Budget Managers’:

There are also regular training sessions ran by Finance for new or aspiring budget managers that we recommend you sign up to. Details are at the link above.

For more information on the Finance team and financial processes please see this link:

Who’s who

We have a Finance Business Partner allocated to DDaT - details can be found on the Hub here:

For budget planning and monthly finance tracking, Delivery Managers are most likely to work with one of the Management Accountants.

Budget Planning and Monitoring

A key role of the Lead Delivery Manager is to ensure that they have an agreed budget in place for their Delivery Teams and to ensure that each is tracked and re-forecasted appropriately each month.

In Project

A Project Manager is likely to be allocated to every project who will lead on establishing the overall project budget of which the DDaT Delivery Team will be part.

The Project Manager will also ensure that monthly finance tracking takes place which is done with the Management Account using a Project Finance Tracker (PFT).

It is the responsibility of the Lead Delivery Manager (or Delivery Manager) to provide the Project Manager with the necessary information in terms of Delivery Team composition to enable them to do this.


Once out of project governance and into BAU (baseline team running), the Lead Delivery Manager is responsible for ensuring that the budgets for their baseline teams are agreed and to ensure that budgets are managed each month with the relevant Management Accountant using the PFT.

Your Management Accountant will be able to share the latest version of the PFT for you to populate.


Please see pp20-24 of The NHSBSA Guide for Budget Holders and Budget Managers (linked above).

Improve the playbook

If you spot anything factually incorrect with this page or have ideas for improvement, please share your suggestions.

Before you start, you will need a GitHub account. Github is an open forum where we collect feedback.